Friday, 2 December 2011

Filming Schedule & Equipment List


Monday 5th
11:00am 16:00pm
Theatre Royal
Just filming close ups, of the singer miming along to her song

Camera, Tripod, stereo, copy of the song to play
Piano, Mic, Mic attachment for piano, piano seat

Tuesday 6th

Theatre Royal
 Long shots from the back of the theatre & pan shots of the singer

Camera, tracking dolly, tripod, stereo, copy of the song to play
 Piano, Mic, Mic attachment for piano, piano seat

Wednesday 7th December
Theatre Royal
 Pan shots of the singer from above
 Camera, Tripod, stereo, copy of the song to play, Camera crane
 Piano, Mic, Mic attachment for piano, piano seat

Thursday 8th December
Theatre Royal
 Pan shot that start at the singer then later pan round to an empty audience

 Camera, Tripod, stereo, copy of the song to play, Camera Crane
 Piano, Mic, Mic attachment for piano, piano seat

Friday 9th December
Theatre Royal
 Gather shots that we may have missed or didn’t not achieve the day before

 Camera, Tripod, stereo, copy of the song to play
 Piano, Mic, Mic attachment for piano, piano seat

Saturday 10th December

                              Not Filming
Sunday 11th December

                              Not Filming
Monday 12th December
 Close ups & Mid shots of
brother and sister having fun
 Camera, tripod
 Pictures, table, chairs, cushions and further house hold objects
Tuesday 13th December
 Close up on the letter and brothers face, mid shots of the argument then a tracking shot of the brother walking out.

Camera, tripod, tracking dolly
 Pictures, table, chairs, cushions and further house hold objects
Wednesday 14th December
Outside House
Panning shot that follows the brother leaving the house with his stuff and the sister trying to stop him from going

 Camera, camera crane
 Picket Fence around house, pink flamingo in garden, flowers, army vehicle
Thursday 15th December
 Extreme close u on sister face when she is crying, and close – mid shot on her looking at photos

 Camera, tripod
 Pictures, table, chairs, cushions and further house hold objects
Friday 16th December
Back of Army Vehicle
 Close mid shot of brother sitting in back of an army vehicle looking out to the distance thinking of his sister and home

 Camera, tripod
 Guns, men, army uniform
Saturday 17th December

                              Not Filming
Sunday 18th December

                              Not Filming

Friday, 25 November 2011

Disconnected - Brief

The general outline of the music video will have shots of the singer in a darkened theatre so all you can see is her and various parts of the background like the curtains, the stage floor, and the theater seats, i will also include a side story that consists of a woman upset that her brother has gone of to war, so we will start of with shots of the brother and sister together having fun, then continue though to the brother receiving the letter of request, then continue through to the brother and sister having an argument about situations, then through to the brother leaving, then continue through to the sister breaking down in tears and missing her brother.
The shots for the singer will be slow pan movements; over head, looking up from the floor, also there will be close ups of the piano, the singer singing into the mic, over shoulder shot as well.
The shots for the side story, will be slow pans moving in and out of shots, there will be a close up on the sisters face when she cries and when she reacts to her brothers letter, there will also be close up on the brother reacts when he reads the letter, plus a close up of the letter, there will be mid shots for the argument scene, and when the brother is leaving the house followed by his sister attempting to stop him,  there will be and over the shoulder shot from the sister looking at her brother entering the army vehicle. there will be mid shots for all of the happy times between the brother and sister.
The side story and the singer will be in a sequence so it will start of with the singer then go to the side story then back to then singer and this pattern is continued through out the music video.

Task 2: Visualisation

I see the music video being a slow pan around the singer to give a bit of emotion in the visual, we could dilute the colours of the moving image so it looks and feels to help push her intentions across to her audience, the singer will be at her piano in a theatre with the red curtains in the background with the the background dark and unseen-able and the lighting is directed at her to symbolized to the audience that she is to be focused on. I will tell a story based around the singer's lyrics, of a woman's brother being accepted into the war and then him leaving to fight, then back focusing on the worrying sister.

Friday, 11 November 2011

'Disconnected' by 'Jazz Morley' Analysis

My initial thought on the song is that it is a very emotional song with of heart put into it, and it shows the singer trying to communicate with her audience with a lot of intense emotions, and she is sharing with her audience the pain she has been through and is almost giving guideline to those who can't express their emotions the way she/others can. The mood and tone are conveyed by the slow paced piano that accompanies Jazz Morley as she sings with her emotional lyrics, The song does not sound similar to anything i have heard, i could almost say this song is unique due to her packing the song full of the emotions she has experienced. The genre i would put the song into would be a new age vocal genre with soul introduced vocally only.

Mood In Mood Video Analysis

I chose to analyze the mood in the music video 'The Importance Of Being Idle' by the famous band 'Oasis', the visual footage is of the lead singer dressing in smart clothes then head out to a funeral as he is a undertaker. the Mood is set by the footage being in black and white to give the effect of death and an upsetting mood, the tone is set by the lyrics being gloomy and fitting the visual footage but the way he sing and portrays himself in the video is misleading as he sings the song in a happy tone and he is also dancing about in the music video as if he is happy, therefore the music is happy and very cheery music but the video is very dark and depressive, and the lyric help express the mood created by the visuals.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Presentation Image/Evaluation

Presentation Evaluation: I believe out presentations had a lot of strengths that made the presentation work well like a strong list of Diegetic/Non-Diegetic sounds involved in the movie as well as the extra sounds to create effect like background music, and speech, also we made sure that we had other things to say then just everything presented, the team work through out the production of the presentation was really good as everyone had their own assigned job to do for example; Jake was creating the presentation through Microsoft Powerpoint, Aden write the script towards the presentation and I supplied them with the information by analyzing the the chosen film 'Jurassic Park: The Lost World' and writing a brief draft of the sounds in the clip, and a brief sentence to help start of each script for each slide to help Aden know what to explain. A weakness we had during presenting our presentation was we managed to loose our script on the day as we did not finnish our SFX slide, which disadvantaged us as a group a lot. I believe we can improve this next time is too create more than one copy of the script and also create more information so that we can finnish our presentation and not have a lack of information on one of the slides, also we should spread out our time, so we can finnish our presentation before the recommending date so we have to to make any important changes before presenting.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Sound Glossary

Diegetic - Sound or Music that comes from within the film that is not added in post production.
Non Diegetic - Sounds, Music or Voice overs that are later added to the film in post production.
Ambient - The natural sound that comes from the scenes environment.
SFX- Sounds that are added to create effect on the film or creates effects on sounds that already exist.
Mood - Helps create a certain atmosphere to the film to give effect on how to react or how the characters are feeling at the precise moment.
Tone - Is the Quality, Pitch, Strength, the Source of the sound and The character of the sound.
Genre - Is a category of artist compositions that are put to the background of the film's scenes.
Theme Music - A piece of music specifically written to go along side the film, that will be played at the beginning of the film.
Voice Overs - A narrative that is not accompanied by and image or footage of the person.
Musical Score - Can be the most memorable part of the film, where the composer creates a piece of music so the audience will recognize and remember that importance scene.
Synchronous Sound - Sound that is recorded at the time of filming.
Asynchronous Sound - Sound that is not recorded at the same time as filming but it precisely edited to the film.
Contrapuntal - When the sound doesn't fit the scene but is purposely put there to create dramatic effect in the film.
Silence - when a scene is completely silent to give effect to the audience to make them suspect someone or to give effect of what one of the characters might be hearing at the time.
Selective Sound - The retention of sounds to make some sounds more recognizable to create dramatic effect and atmosphere.
Sound Bridges - A sound that is used to ease the transitions between each shots and to create relation to each frame when the transition between Shots/Scenes happen.