Friday, 25 November 2011

Disconnected - Brief

The general outline of the music video will have shots of the singer in a darkened theatre so all you can see is her and various parts of the background like the curtains, the stage floor, and the theater seats, i will also include a side story that consists of a woman upset that her brother has gone of to war, so we will start of with shots of the brother and sister together having fun, then continue though to the brother receiving the letter of request, then continue through to the brother and sister having an argument about situations, then through to the brother leaving, then continue through to the sister breaking down in tears and missing her brother.
The shots for the singer will be slow pan movements; over head, looking up from the floor, also there will be close ups of the piano, the singer singing into the mic, over shoulder shot as well.
The shots for the side story, will be slow pans moving in and out of shots, there will be a close up on the sisters face when she cries and when she reacts to her brothers letter, there will also be close up on the brother reacts when he reads the letter, plus a close up of the letter, there will be mid shots for the argument scene, and when the brother is leaving the house followed by his sister attempting to stop him,  there will be and over the shoulder shot from the sister looking at her brother entering the army vehicle. there will be mid shots for all of the happy times between the brother and sister.
The side story and the singer will be in a sequence so it will start of with the singer then go to the side story then back to then singer and this pattern is continued through out the music video.

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