Friday, 4 November 2011

Presentation Image/Evaluation

Presentation Evaluation: I believe out presentations had a lot of strengths that made the presentation work well like a strong list of Diegetic/Non-Diegetic sounds involved in the movie as well as the extra sounds to create effect like background music, and speech, also we made sure that we had other things to say then just everything presented, the team work through out the production of the presentation was really good as everyone had their own assigned job to do for example; Jake was creating the presentation through Microsoft Powerpoint, Aden write the script towards the presentation and I supplied them with the information by analyzing the the chosen film 'Jurassic Park: The Lost World' and writing a brief draft of the sounds in the clip, and a brief sentence to help start of each script for each slide to help Aden know what to explain. A weakness we had during presenting our presentation was we managed to loose our script on the day as we did not finnish our SFX slide, which disadvantaged us as a group a lot. I believe we can improve this next time is too create more than one copy of the script and also create more information so that we can finnish our presentation and not have a lack of information on one of the slides, also we should spread out our time, so we can finnish our presentation before the recommending date so we have to to make any important changes before presenting.

1 comment:

  1. Group 2: Jurassic Park 2 – Aden, Jase and Jake
    • Good background information
    • Good list of diegetic and non diegetic sounds
    • Good description of ambient sounds and scene setting
    • No information on the SFX or post production slide, although was briefly spoken about
    • Overall: Most points covered – Pass
    • (try and organise yourselves better before the presentation, make sure everyone has a copy of the script, ensuring if someone does lose it, 2 other people have a copy!)
